- Equity basis:
The GHG emissions intensity of the portfolio owned by CLP. This is the ratio of the equity portion of GHG emissions to the equivalent portion of the power sent out from CLP Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio where CLP has an equity interest. This includes Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Equity basis includes the assets in the Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio that are:
- Owned by CLP, where assets are included on an equity basis (i.e. data is calculated according to CLP’s equity share in the asset); and
- In operation during the reporting year.
2. Equity plus long-term capacity and energy purchase basis:
The GHG emissions intensity of electricity supplied to CLP’s customers (i.e. portfolio owned by CLP and purchased electricity that is sold to CLP’s customers) is the ratio of the GHG emissions to the equivalent portion of the power sent out from CLP Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio where CLP has an equity interest and long-term purchase arrangements. This includes Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions (part of Category 3: direct emissions from generation of purchased electricity that is sold to CLP’s customers).
Equity plus long-term capacity and energy purchase basis includes the assets in the Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio which are:
- Owned by CLP, where assets are included on an equity basis (i.e. data is calculated according to CLP’s equity share in the asset) and in operation during the reporting year;
- The Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio whose capacity and energy are purchased by CLP to meet customer demand, and where:
- The purchase agreement duration is at least five years; and
- Capacity or energy purchase is no less than 10MW.
In addition, spot purchases including electricity purchased from the National Electricity Market in Australia and electricity sent to the grid in Hong Kong (i.e. via theFeed-In-Tariff Scheme or from other renewable energy assets) are also included.