
Good corporate governance and risk management form the bedrock of a sustainable business and underpin its long-term success. The Group is continuously striving to embed good corporate governance practices in its day-to-day operations through the full implementation of CLP's Value Framework.

Corporate governance framework and code

GRI reference: 2-9, 2-12, 2-15, 2-23, 2-24, 3-3

A robust corporate governance framework promotes and safeguards the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders. CLP is committed to maintaining a rigorous framework of corporate governance to uphold the Group’s credibility and reputation.

Corporate governance is a matter of culture, driving CLP to continually make conscious decisions around correct behaviours. Over the years, the Company has developed and put in place a CLP Code on Corporate Governance, a Corporate Governance Framework and a comprehensive set of procedures, systems, policies and guidelines that make up the unique CLP corporate governance structure. The CLP Code embraces the terms set out in the Corporate Governance Code, Appendix C1 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, but it goes beyond this by advancing a structure that builds on CLP’s own standards and experience.

Download the CLP Code on Corporate Governance

The Board is CLP’s highest governance body, responsible for directing and supervising its affairs responsibly and effectively. Some of these responsibilities are delegated to five Board Committees. The two committees most involved in sustainability-related matters are the Sustainability Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee.

Find out more about Sustainability Governance in this report

How CLP Holdings approaches corporate governance


The Corporate Governance Report in the Annual Report discloses the Company's governance performance in detail. Below are the highlights from 2024.

  • Board Refresh and Succession - As part of the Board’s gradual refresh of its composition, three Directors in different capacities retired from the Board and the Board appointed two new Directors in 2024;
  • Corporate Strategy Review - The Board approved the corporate strategy in November 2024, following a series of dedicated briefing and discussion sessions that included a two-day offsite event for our Board Members. Board Members spent a considerable amount of time formulating the strategy with management;
  • ERP Panel - The Board established a project focus Panel with dedicated oversight of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system project. The project to implement the ERP system is a significant project as it will improve CLP’s digital capabilities and optimise our business processes across our Hong Kong-based operations. As the implementation of the project is subject to the purview of the CLP Power Board, CLP Holdings Audit & Risk Committee and the CLP Holdings Finance & General Committee, the establishment of the ERP Panel consolidates the oversight of this project at the CLP Holdings Board level; and
  • Corporate Governance Regulatory Developments - CLP Holdings welcomes the series of corporate governance-related changes being introduced by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with the Listing Rules changes that will come into effect on 1 July 2025. CLP Holdings' corporate governance practices already adhere to most of these new requirements. Those that have not been implemented, specifically the designation of a lead independent non-executive director and the introduction of a workforce diversity policy, will be considered by the CLP Holdings Board in due course with regard to the implementation timetable for the new changes.
Read the Corporate Governance Report in the 2024 Annual Report

The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee Report covers CLP’s Remuneration Policy, including the non-financial metrics considered for executives’ remuneration.

Sustainability governance

GRI reference: 2-9, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-23

The CLP Board has overall responsibility over sustainability as well as business strategy. Sustainability governance has been institutionalised in the Group's corporate governance structure, from Board-level committees to management-level Group functions and business units.

Two of the Board Committees, the Sustainability Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee, have separate but complementary roles in sustainability management. They are supported by the Sustainability Executive Committee and coordinated by the Group Sustainability Department. 

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