
Stakeholder management

CLP is dedicated to fostering open, transparent, regular and timely communication with its stakeholders, building trust and confidence. It seeks to understand their needs and expectations, listen to their inputs, questions and concerns, and encourage continuous improvement and collaboration. This commitment is delivered through the implementation of the CLP Stakeholder Engagement Framework grounded on its Core Values.

Strategies and procedures

GRI reference: 2-12, 2-16, 2-25, 2-29, 3-3, 207-3, 413-1

CLP’s Stakeholder Engagement Framework provides for open and transparent channels for stakeholder input, along with a review and consideration process for responding to concerns about CLP's business in a timely manner.

Each business unit has developed its own project-specific stakeholder engagement plan, based on the framework steps below.

  1. Establish engagement scope and align with business objectives
  2. Map issues and concerns
  3. Identify relevant stakeholders: CLP engages with a diverse range of stakeholders, each with distinct attributes, concerns and interests. Key stakeholder groups for each project are identified and prioritised based on the issues mapped, how stakeholders will be impacted and the nature of their influence on the business.
  4. Develop a communications and engagement plan: CLP uses a wide range of easily accessible public engagement channels, both formal and informal. These channels include surveys, focus groups, briefings, visits, events, roadshows and online channels, where stakeholders can express their concerns, interests or provide feedback throughout the year. Drawing on past experience, the channels for each project are selected based on the project’s nature and the most effective means of reaching the identified stakeholders.
  5. Conduct engagement activities
  6. Capture feedback and report on outcomes: CLP seeks to address stakeholders’ views and concerns while identifying areas for improvement. It uses various measures to do this, including capturing stakeholder feedback, assessing the outcomes of CLP's stakeholder engagement efforts, monitoring and analysing media coverage, tracking brand perception ratings, and evaluating public and industry recognition and awards.

CLP's stakeholder engagement framework


CLP’s stakeholder engagement channels

As one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia, CLP serves a very diverse range of stakeholders.

GRI reference: 2-12, 2-25, 2-29

The Company is committed to responding to stakeholder concerns about the business in a timely manner. These concerns vary depending on location and context and therefore require different actions or responses. General complaints about the Company are typically handled by the customer relations team. The Company ensures transparency by disclosing its financial and non-financial performance through the Group website, the Annual and Interim Reports and the Sustainability Report.

The following table lists out our key stakeholders and how they were engaged with.


Key Engagement Channels


Capital providers

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(including lenders, investors and shareholders)

  • Annual General Meeting
  • Annual and Interim Results Analyst Briefings and webcasts
  • Corporate reports including Climate Action Finance Report
  • CLP Investor Relations App and mailbox
  • Announcements, circulars, presentations and media releases
  • Direct engagement in the form of bank and investor meetings, conferences, site visits, briefing calls and investor roadshows


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(including residential, C&I customers, electricity boards and grid companies)

  • Working groups, e.g. the Customer Consultative Group and small and medium enterprise (SME) consultative groups
  • Customer Service Centres, Customer Interaction Centre and online service portals
  • Customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms and personalised communications through account managers
  • Participation in government schemes

Our people

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(including employees and contractors)

  • Employee engagement and safety culture surveys
  • Employee participation forum (e.g. self-led affinity group Gender Equity Group on diversity & inclusion, culture development working groups) and other trainings, workshops and development programmes.
  • Feedback channels (including online forms, suggestion boxes, townhall meetings, focus groups, regular roadshows)
  • Employee newsletters, broadcasts, intranet, internal webinars
  • Discussion forum with trade union representatives in locations where collective bargaining is recognised


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(including governments, regulators, suppliers and contractors)

  • Regular working group meetings, communications and performance reporting
  • Written responses to public consultations and direct liaison with governments, regulators and relevant parties
  • Engagements and site visits
  • Meetings and visits by top management to deepen strategic long-term partnerships for mutual growth and development
  • Regular supplier management meetings and engagements
  • Safety workshops, jointly engaging contractors working towards a common goal to raise safety awareness and capability through mutual collaboration and shared expertise
  • Periodical supplier performance evaluations
  • Regular risk and resilience reviews of key suppliers' supply chain risks


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(including community groups, legislators, NGOs, industry and professional organisations and academia)

  • Working committees, advisory committees, panels and meetings, including local customer advisory committees
  • Active participation in professional organisations through corporate memberships to enhance industry networking and exchanges
  • Public/community events and programmes
  • Community investment programmes and volunteering services
  • Awards and scholarships
  • Seminars, lectures, workshops and online classes
  • Promotion through mass media and social media (including educational videos)
  • One-on-one meetings and visitations
  • Senior management’s participation in speaking forums, briefings and engagement events to articulate CLP’s thought leadership on its climate vision

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