
How we manage impacts and performance

Our approach

To effectively manage nature-related impacts, risks and performance, CLP utilises various environmental management tools and processes from a life cycle perspective to ensure that nature-related issues are considered at each stage of every project.

The following sections provide details of how CLP manages individual nature-related matters that are deemed material. CLP has developed goals and targets that go beyond regulatory compliance to drive continual improvement, and performance indicators that are monitoring the progress and effectiveness of its nature-related strategies, plans and programmes.

Biodiversity and ecosystem

CLP plays an active role in nature preservation and habitat restoration activities while seeking to mitigate its impacts on nature, including biodiversity and ecosystem services in the vicinity of its operations, contributing to “no net loss of biodiversity”. CLP's efforts are based on regulatory biodiversity controls, but it also implements site-specific initiatives and initiates ecological compensation programmes where necessary.

Air emissions

CLP is striving to reduce the air pollutants emitted from its operations while expanding its renewable and nuclear energy portfolio. Achieving further emission reductions from existing fossil fuel power stations remains a high priority.

Waste management and material use

CLP is striving to integrate circular economy (CE) principles across its project lifecycles and explore opportunities for minimising materials use and waste disposal. In addition to following a waste management hierarchy (i.e. prevent, reduce, reuse, replace, recycle, treat and dispose) which prioritises preferred actions for minimising waste generation in its daily operations, CLP has continued to promote the implementation of CE concepts in its operations to address waste and pollution matters.


Recognising the importance of addressing water matters, CLP has been strengthening its water management practices to reduce water usage and wastewater discharge, for example, by employing seawater cooling or water recirculation processes in its generation plants.

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