CLP is committed to delivering reliable and affordable energy to its customers. By leveraging innovative technologies and customised services, CLP enhances customer satisfaction while promoting energy conservation and supporting renewable energy adoption. By actively engaging with customers and stakeholders, CLP is addressing their evolving energy needs and fostering strong relationships, as well as contributing to sustainability and community wellbeing.
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CLP Power is the sole electricity provider for Kowloon, the New Territories and most of the outlying islands in Hong Kong. It serves about 2.83 million customers accoutning for over 80% of Hong Kong’s households. Total electricity sold in 2024 was 36,125GWh.
Despite its status as a mature market, Hong Kong continues to experience growing demand for electricity. This is largely being driven by territory-wide development and infrastructure projects, as well as new local railway infrastructure projects. Due to Hong Kong's Northern Metropolis Development Strategy, it is essential to ensure highly reliable power supplies to support this ambitious transformation of the New Territories into a major urban centre and technology hub.
The number of customer accounts has continued to grow gradually over the last five years, mainly from the residential sector.
EnergyAustralia operates as a retail energy provider, selling electricity and gas to customers in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and Queensland (electricity only). It is among approximately 30 retailers active in the key markets of New South Wales and Victoria.
In 2024, total customer accounts declined by 2.4% or around 58,572 accounts. Intense retail competition has persisted and the rising cost of living has prompted more customers to explore the market in order to lower their energy costs. Other retailers have offered large upfront credits alongside deep discounting prompting some customers to switch retailers.
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Targets for each asset are set annually and are included in the business plan. Performance is reported on a weekly basis to senior management. Any significant variances in performance are analysed and appropriate corrective actions taken.
While CLP has generation businesses across the Asia-Pacific region, Hong Kong is the only location where its business is vertically integrated, so that it provides generation, transmission and distribution of power as well as retail services. CLP Power is regulated by the Hong Kong SAR Government under the Scheme of Control (SoC) Agreement, which requires the Company to provide a sufficient and reliable electricity supply at a reasonable price and in an environmentally responsible manner.
In Hong Kong, CLP Power employs various measures to maintain high supply availability and high reliability. These include:
In addition to recruiting professionals from the market, CLP also trains young engineering talents through systematic training schemes. It established the CLP Power Academy in 2017 to collaborate with overseas and local tertiary institutions to train electrical and mechanical engineering professionals, thus creating a healthy succession pipeline for the power industry.
To guarantee the availability and dependability of its power supply, CLP is working to strengthen its technological capabilities and enhance its organisational development across the Group. Departments collaborate to design for an integrated management framework by sharing insights gained from regional experiences. This procedure is lowering the Group's overall operations risk and contributing to improved portfolio management.
A number of innovative projects to promote energy availability and reliability are currently being pursued in the areas of robotics, asset health, video analytics, energy storage, building information modelling (BIM) and automation. These projects have been initiated both by third parties and CLP's own engineers, who are developing innovations based on their own operational experience.
To keep pace with the territorial development of Hong Kong, CLP conducts an annual review of future transmission network developments, assessing the latest system maximum demand forecast, as well as reviewing area load growth, infrastructure development and generation development for future planning.
Major transmission assets undergo annual maintenance and improvement programmes based on an analysis of current conditions, performance of the assets, levels of investment and risk.
In Hong Kong, CLP has maintained its world-class supply reliability of 99.999%, surpassing the reliability performance of other major international cities such as London, New York and Sydney.
CLP’s transmission and distribution network in Hong Kong serves approximately 80% of the city’s overall population. At the end of 2024, CLP Power had approximately 17,123 km of circuits at medium or higher voltage. In addition, there were 250 primary and 15,759 secondary substations operating in Hong Kong. As of 2024, the average network loss for the past five years was 3.36%, slightly lower than the five-year average of 3.44% reported in 2023.
CLP uses a set of universally recognised supply reliability performance indicators from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standard (IEEE 1366-2012) to monitor its system performance. It reports CLP’s performance against these indicators quarterly to the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Indicator | Result |
System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) | |
The average number of supply interruptions for each customer served. Both planned and unplanned interruptions are included. |
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) | |
The average duration of interruptions each customer may encounter in a given year. |
Unplanned Customer Minutes Lost (Unplanned CML) | |
The average duration of unplanned power interruptions per customer in a given year. These outages occur without prior notice and happen as a result of various factors such as weather events, third-party damage to the network and equipment faults. |
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Careful planning during the project development stage plays a crucial role in determining the operational efficiency or capacity factor range of an asset over its entire lifespan. Projects involving a major asset overhaul must undergo stringent technical and financial scrutiny before commencement.
CLP’s customised Group Operations Information System (GOIS) is used to compile operational data on adherence to the Generator Operational Performance Data Standard. It features built-in data collection, a data compilation and approval sequence and a dashboard and reporting functions. Relevant staff at each asset, and at regional and Group levels are responsible for upholding the standard.
On the energy conservation and efficiency front, CLP continues to strengthen its electricity supply networks and infrastructure to offer high-quality, efficient and reliable electricity in its operating regions. The Company uses innovative technologies and has developed energy management programmes and initiatives through environmental management processes and tools. In CLP's major offices, building energy management systems with energy-efficient features have been deployed, with some upgraded with artificial intelligence algorithms to support smart energy control, particularly for air conditioning. Regular energy audits assess energy consumption efficiency and identify opportunities for improvement. CLP Power also sets energy-saving targets with a defined timeline for selected offices. An internal energy use target ensures energy utilisation remains below a reference Energy Utilisation Index (EUI).
In 2024, the consumption of coal and gas for power generation increased by 4% and 3% respectively compared with 2023 (on an operational control basis). Accordingly, electricity sent out from coal assets decreased by 1%, while electricity sent out from gas assets increased by 3% (on an equity plus long-term capacity and energy purchase basis).
CLP reports the annual operating performance of those of its generation assets that fall within the reporting scope. The asset performance metrics include availability, generation sent out, thermal efficiency and energy intensity.
Download CLP’s asset performance statisticsFollowing the successful commissioning of the new gas-fired unit at Black Point Power Station, Hong Kong advanced its decarbonisation efforts in 2024 by reducing coal reliance. Compared to 2023, coal usage in Hong Kong decreased by 10%, while gas consumption increased by 5%. In Australia, coal consumption increased by 10% due to higher availability and utilisation of Mount Piper Power Station. Conversely, gas usage dropped by 14%, attributed to reduced market demand and a scheduled major outage at Tallawarra Power Station in 2024. Overall, fossil fuel consumption for CLP's operational control thermal assets saw a slight increase, with coal and gas consumption for power generation rising by 4% and 3% respectively compared to 2023.
CLP maintained a steady electricity output in 2024, generating 79,760 GWh on an equity plus long-term capacity and energy purchase basis, similar to the 79,512 GWh produced in 2023. The proportion of energy generated by each asset type showed minimal variation.
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CLP is implementing various initiatives to encourage residential and business customers and the community at large to use energy more efficiently and contribute to environmental protection. They include:
In Hong Kong, CLP Power has worked closely with the Hong Kong SAR Government on the Scheme of Control (SoC) Agreement. The Plan includes:
In addition to its SoC Agreement obligations, CLP has harnessed its innovation abilities and digital capability to develop a range of customer-facing solutions and energy services.
CLP has a dedicated venture capital team (Group Ventures & Investments) that invests in a range of early-stage companies focused on innovative, energy-related technologies and business models. In addition, CLP’s Research & Ecosystems functions integrate the Company's research capabilities and ecosystem activities in a single team. This enables a more systematic and synergistic process of formulating strategic focus and long-term vision, extracting strategic knowledge and value, building up research networks and ecosystems worldwide and driving innovation delivery across the CLP Group.
CLP has established a global open innovation platform designed to identify solutions that address operational challenges, enhance efficiency and unlock new business opportunities. Committed to continuous innovation, CLP actively participates in accelerator programmes aimed at discovering novel solutions and promoting innovative practices. Through initiatives like Free Electrons and the Phoenix scouting programme, CLP collaborates with startups worldwide. These partnerships enable CLP to gain valuable market insights and enhance its solution offerings, strengthening its ability to meet customer needs and effectively navigate the energy transition.
CLP’s research initiatives are dedicated to identifying emerging ideas and technologies that could have a significant long-term impact on CLP's business and the energy transition. CLP has established robust research networks and partnerships with local and international associations, research institutes and universities to collaborate on key projects. Notably, CLP is exploring transport decarbonisation through its Research Fellowship Scheme and studying the utilisation of urban flexible load resources to enhance power system flexibility. This includes potential joint research initiatives, which are being explored with universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
Improving energy efficiency | ||
Products and services | Updates in 2024 | |
Cooling-as-a-Service (CaaS) Cooling systems are usually a building’s largest source of power consumption. CLPe provides targeted solutions such as chiller retrofitting and replacement services, CaaS and district cooling solutions to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of building complexes. Under the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer model, CLPe will fund, design, construct, operate and maintain the new cooling system over a period of time at an agreed rate to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of building complexes. |
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Solar-as-a-Service (SaaS) CLPe offers seamless, one-stop services to help customers install and operate solar power systems over a period of time at an agreed rate. Solar photovoltaics (PV) systems convert solar energy into electricity to support energy demand and allow customers to feed electricity back into the grid. |
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Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) as-a-Service Tailor-made BESS solutions can greatly improve business performance by providing safe, efficient and secure energy storage. CLPe provides a one-stop design, build and implementation service, technical support and maintenance work and collaborates with its customers over a period of time at an agreed rate to develop fully integrated energy storage solutions that meet their specific needs. |
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Energy efficiency improvement for buildings
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Energy efficiency improvement for businesses CLP Power works in partnership with institutions to offer flexible and innovative financing solutions to businesses. |
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Peak demand management
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Energy management technology
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Energy audits CLP Power provides free energy audits and various consulting services to C&I customers to help them understand their energy needs and identify opportunities to reduce their energy use and hence their operating costs. |
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Energy data and analytics
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CLP Retro-Commissioning and Retrofitting Training Upgrade Programme CLP Power offers free retro-commissioning and retrofitting training courses comprising classroom trainings and field visits for energy management employees and engineers who already have a basic understanding of retro-commissioning and retrofitting. The training covers advanced topics and techniques such as data analysis, system diagnosis, measurement and verification. |
Using electricity more widely for transport industry | ||
Products and services | Updates in 2024 | |
Electric Vehicle Charging-as-a-Service
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Electric vehicle infrastructure
Enabling zero-carbon electricity supply | ||
Products and services | Updates in 2024 | |
Decentralised renewable energy/ CLP offers feed-in tariffs and rooftop solar for its customers in support of the decentralisation of energy and the growth of renewable energy.
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Corporate Power Purchasing Agreements (PPAs) Businesses wishing to increase the direct renewable energy available to them may elect to enter Power Purchasing Agreements with CLP. PPAs provide customers with the most credible and efficient clean energy available. There has been continued interest in the direct purchase of renewables whether via annual purchasing or 24/ |
Offsetting emission that cannot be otherwise avoided | ||
Products and services | Updates in 2024 | |
Energy attribute certificates (EACs) CLP offers a range of EACs to support customers' decarbonisation objectives. In Hong Kong, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) offer an alternative way for customers to support local clean energy generation. Each unit of a REC represents the environmental attributes of electricity produced by local renewable energy sources, generated or purchased by CLP Power. In Mainland China, CLP China’s renewable assets issue Green Electricity Certificates (GECs) which are the only officially recognised renewable energy certificates in Mainland China. They can be used to meet obligations under Mainland China's mandatory Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, or to support voluntary green power trading. In Australia, EACs serve as an option to reduce customers' Scope 2 emissions when decentralised renewables are not a viable option. For example, PureEnergy from EnergyAustralia helps customers support the production of green energy from government accredited renewable sources. |
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Carbon Credit Brochure CLP has recently transitioned its carbon credit-related information from the website to a brochure. This change aims to present the information in a more straightforward and accessible format. |
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Carbon Credits Carbon credits represent carbon emissions avoided as a result of emissions reduction projects. CLP encourages its customers and corporates to purchase these carbon credits to offset their unavoidable emissions. In addition to selling carbon credits, CLP also collaborates with many industries to deliver carbon offset initiatives. |
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EnergyAustralia is required to report data breaches in any case of unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or loss of personal information held by EnergyAustralia, if this is likely to result in serious harm to one or more individual and if EnergyAustralia has been unable to prevent the likely risk of serious harm with remedial action. Notifications must be made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and to the affected customers with a description of the data breach, the kinds of information involved and recommendations for customer action in response to the data breach.
In May 2018, the Australian Government announced that energy data would be included in the Consumer Data Right (CDR). The sharing of product data in the energy sector commenced on 1 October 2022 and consumer data sharing commenced on 15 November 2022. It gives customers the right to share certain transaction, usage and product data relating to their electricity accounts with EnergyAustralia (a 'data holder') with authorised parties ('data recipients') under the CDR regime. These data recipients are then able to compare what other electricity offers may better suit the customer’s needs. EnergyAustralia was granted an exemption by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) from the original commencement date in November 2022, requiring EnergyAustralia to commence CDR data sharing by 15 May 2023.
By 15 May 2023, EnergyAustralia successfully went live as a CDR ‘data holder’, meaning EnergyAustralia is now able to share information required under the CDR regime for most of its eligible residential, small business and large business customers. EnergyAustralia continues to refine its CDR data sharing platform as it receives feedback and enquiries from customers or other CDR participants. EnergyAustralia continues to rely on exemptions from CDR requirements in relation to certain innovative and trial products that EnergyAustralia offers, including ‘Solar Home Bundle’, among others. We expect to be able to comply with CDR requirements for these products by the end of 2025.
The CLP Privacy Principles set out the Company’s commitment to protecting personal data and its approach to doing so. CLP has a designated Corporate Data Protection Officer who oversees governance of the personal data management of CLP's Hong Kong business operations. Their contact details can be found on CLP’s CLP Privacy Policy Statement.
The Group safeguards the confidentiality of the personal data provided to it in accordance with the CLP Privacy Policy Statement,
which was updated with effect from 1 November 2018. The statement lays out the Company’s approach to protecting personal data, and is applicable to everyone across its Hong Kong operations who handles personal data. All employees who have to handle or process personal data of any individual for business operations in Hong Kong must follow CLP procedures, practices and local regulations in relation to personal data privacy.
The CLP Personal Data Protection Compliance Manual sets out CLP’s data protection compliance framework, including its governance structure and the roles and responsibilities of different functions and personnel within it. All business units with operations in Hong Kong must implement and abide by this manual, which also provides guidance on the use and protection of personal data. Policies and procedures regarding privacy and data protection are further embedded in CLP's Code of Conduct and its compliance management procedures.
Under the Code of Conduct, CLP commits to compliance with all laws and regulations and with the Company's own policies and procedures, including the data privacy laws and the CLP Data Protection Compliance Manual. The Code of Conduct stipulates that anyone found violating the Code will be subject to disciplinary action. CLP’s internal audit function appraises compliance with policies and procedures, and evaluates the effectiveness of the overall controls, in accordance with normal audit cycles and assessment scopes. In addition, suppliers are informed of and are expected to comply with the data privacy laws outlined in CLP’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
CLP monitors and documents any complaints related to breaches of customer privacy and the loss of customer data. In addition to adhering to the CLP Personal Data Protection Compliance Manual, the Customer Success and Experience Business Unit has adopted a written guideline for handling customer data incidents. The guideline includes information about classifying and assessing the scope and severity of data incidents, about reporting roles and responsibilities, and it includes an incident response strategy and checklist. The Corporate Data Protection Officer also retains a record of data incidents and any follow-up actions.
EnergyAustralia has a Data Breach Response Plan, and a Data Breach Response Team responsible for implementing it. The plan includes information about assessing, managing, containing and reporting data breaches within required timeframes and outlines relevant roles and responsibilities. The plan is activated whenever a potential data breach is identified.
Learn how CLP responds to cyber security incidentsTo help prevent unauthorised disclosures of customer data to malicious attackers or impersonators, CLP carries out activities to raise staff awareness of the relevant risks. These include communications and quality assurance assessment and coaching and additional training for frontline staff. It also conducts Company-wide communications, employee training and briefing sessions with leadership to ensure all staff understand current privacy and data management obligations. A Data Breach Response Plan has been formulated and a Data Breach Response Team established to ensure the business has the capability and the procedures in place to respond swiftly to any such incidents.
A compulsory e-learning programme on data protection is given to all new employees, and is periodically mandated for all employees to refresh their knowledge. CLP also runs frequent tailored data protection awareness programmes, which include regular briefings, case sharing, quizzes and refresher activities, for employees who have regular interaction with protected data (such as members of the Legal Review Committee and frontline staff). Industry threats are continuously reviewed with a view to strengthening controls over the management and monitoring of networks, systems and mobile devices, data loss and suspicious cyber activities. CLP also regularly emphasises the importance of reporting potential privacy incidents in a timely manner.
At EnergyAustralia, briefing sessions on customer privacy include leadership, enterprise-wide communications and employee training to ensure all staff are up to date with current privacy and data management policies and practices. Privacy training is a compulsory requirement for all new employees and subsequent refresher training is provided to all employees annually.
Under Australia's Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), EnergyAustralia has obligations to ensure the appropriate collection, use, disclosure and security as well as access to individual’s own personal information. There are also mandatory data breach reporting obligations in relation to Notifiable Data Breaches. On 28 November 2024, Parliament passed the first set of amendments to the Privacy Act to create a statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy and provide the privacy regulator with additional rights to enforce penalties for breaches of privacy. The new amendments also create a new obligation for EnergyAustralia to ensure that individuals are informed about situations where automated decision-making (ADM) ‘could reasonably be expected to significantly affect the rights and interests of an individual’. The timeline for compliance is two years. A second tranche of reforms is expected in 2025 and EnergyAustralia continues to monitor for developments.
In 2024, no cases of customer data loss were reported by CLP Power in Hong Kong or by EnergyAustralia.
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CLP provides customers with information about its products and services through various communication channels, including the email welcome pack sent to new customers, the CLP Power websites and the CLP Mobile App, as well as the EnergyAustralia websites and Mobile Apps. CLP also engages with its residential, commercial and industrial customers through satisfaction surveys, online service portals, site visits to its assets, account manager support and through its Customer Service Centres and Customer Interaction Centre.
CLP strives to respond effectively to customer needs and preferences. All escalated cases are studied thoroughly to ensure issues raised by customers are appropriately resolved.
EnergyAustralia averages one to two million conversations with customers every year, either over the phone or via digital service channels. In 2023, EnergyAustralia handled more than 1.5 millions calls. It also engages with more than 100,000 individuals, businesses and stakeholders annually through formal research to help shape its business decisions, products and services.
In Hong Kong, an external market research consultant conducts an annual telephone survey to measure customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction score considers overall satisfaction towards CLP and includes a relative rating comparing CLP to an ideal utility in Hong Kong. The score is benchmarked against the public utilities in the energy sector and other public service organisations.
EnergyAustralia counts the number of calls and complaints it receives and measures customer satisfaction through its Strategic Net Promoter Score (SNPS). Customer satisfaction is measured monthly via an online NPS survey sent to a representative group of customers. The Transactional Net Promoter Score (TNPS) is also used to track customer satisfaction in relation to specific customer interactions, providing more direct feedback to frontline staff.
CLP Power’s customer satisfaction score improved in 2024 and is on a par with other public service organisations.
EnergyAustralia averages around one to two million conversations with customers every year, either over the phone or via digital service channels. In 2024, EnergyAustralia handled more than 2.2 million calls. It also engaged with over 110,000 individuals, businesses and stakeholders through formal research to help shape its business decisions, products and services.
Total complaint volumes in 2024 decreased by 10% from the 2023 figure. Following challenges in the first half of 2023 across the industry, this year saw the situation stabilise with flow on impacts of a decrease in customers bypassing EnergyAustralia’s complaints process and decreased direct customer complaints. This resulted in customers showing greater trust in EnergyAustralia to resolve the complaint.
Despite these challenges, EnergyAustralia continued to go above and beyond to successfully address and resolve customer concerns through timely engagement and effective conversations with its customers preventing further escalations.
This has been reflected in EnergyAustralia’s Transactional Net Promoter Score (TNPS) which is at a 6 year high of 36.8.
Total complaint volumes in 2024 decreased by 12% from 2023.
This year's TNPS increased significantly as a result of EnergyAustralia's efforts to address and resolve customer concerns through timely engagement and effective conversations.
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With reference to best practices across the globe, CLP has designed principles to help identify risks and controls when adopting AI in CLP's operations.
The AI principles play a crucial role in CLP's governance approach by acting as the anchors to risks and controls when using AI. A summary of CLP's AI principles is:
Comprehensive efforts have been made to ensure compliance with the AI principles, identify incremental risks and design corresponding controls and mitigations. For CLP’s Hong Kong businesses an AI risk taxonomy together with an AI impact assessment have been developed and integrated into existing processes.
To support the Hong Kong Government's green and sustainable finance initiative, CLP collaborates with banks, certification bodies, and partners to create synergy and facilitate customers' access to green and sustainable finance solutions:
These initiatives involve a huge amount of data exchange between CLP and various entities, hence a secure, consistent, reliable and flexible data exchange gateway is indispensable for supporting different trials with low setup cost and short lead time. To address this need, CLP has developed the Reusable Data Exchange Gateway. This gateway has already been leveraged in multiple trials with different banks and organisations, enabling seamless and secure data communication to support the above innovative initiatives.
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CLP's cyber security management follows international cyber security frameworks, and includes setting guidelines for selecting and implementing security controls to mitigate cyberattack risks. To comply with local regulations, some Regional/Business Units have developed their own documents that align with both local requirements and Group Security's 20 baseline standards.
The Group's employees are its first line of cyber security defence, and need to know how they can protect themselves and the Company from cyberattacks.
CLP makes continual efforts to raise cyber security awareness among employees and encourage them to adopt good cyber security practices. Security awareness activities include simulated phishing emails, internal broadcast campaigns, briefings, road shows and videos.
CLP continually monitors its IT and OT systems and networks, staying alert for potential threats. Advances in cyber security technologies have helped improve the Group's ability to prevent, detect, react and recover from cyber security incidents in both the IT and OT network environments.
The Security Operations Centre (SOC) has refined its operations and accelerated its incident response capability. Employees are reminded regularly to report suspicious cyber activity directly to CLP Group Security via various channels, and suspicious emails can be automatically reported with the click of a button.
Given that cyber security is one of CLP's top-tier risks, it is regularly assessed and reported to senior management through the risk management process. Cyber security risks to CLP Group, its investments and business interests are managed in line with CLP’s established Risk Management Framework. Group Security offers business asset owners and project managers a Cyber Security Governance and Risk Management framework which helps them identify, assess and manage cyber security risks in line with their overall business objectives. Evidence of treatment action is gathered and the Group Security team track progress, re-assessing risks periodically or when there is significant configuration change. Appropriate internal and external validation and assurance (e.g. ‘red team’ cyber simulations) supplement the risk-based approach and CLP closely collaborates with broader government and law enforcement drills on a regular basis.
Work on cyber security has also continued throughout the year in Mainland China, India and Australia. CLP plans to continue to enhance its processes, personnel and technology capabilities and the Company is committed to retaining and acquiring the expertise required to execute them effectively.
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The Group Security Policy addresses the following areas
The Group Security team was established to ensure that CLP’s cyber and physical security capabilities and efforts complement each other. The team gives CLP in-house capabilities across the full range of security skillsets. Regular reports are provided by Group Security to the Board’s Audit & Risk Committee (ARC), providing assurance that adequate risk management is in place and that appropriate remedial action is being taken where needed.
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Physical security encompasses physical measures to safeguard people, prevent unauthorised access to equipment, facilities, material and documents and safeguard these items against security incidents. It includes physical barriers (e.g. fences), security lighting, physical access controls and surveillance systems.
CLP has developed a body of standards and guidelines to assist all regions and regional assets in establishing or revising their security management documentation. These are aligned with international standards for security and lay out best practices from across the Group. They include:
CLP security staff must always comply with CLP’s Code of Conduct. They receive related training on an annual basis. In addition to training on national regulations and site-specific requirements, contract security staff receive induction training on CLP policies relating to a harassment-free workplace, minimum wage guidelines and measures preventing discrimination in the workplace. They must complete this induction training before being granted access to their assigned workplace sites.
Regular travel security awareness briefings and associated materials are available for anyone engaged in business travel.
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CLP maintains robust and regularly tested emergency response and crisis management procedures. As the first line of defence, the Incident Management Process (shown below) is activated whenever any incident arises.
CLP’s Group Crisis Management Plan ensures high levels of preparedness in responding to and recovering from emergency situations and helps minimise disruption to customers. The Plan is continually being reviewed and enhanced to ensure it remains in line with operational changes and the broader operating context. It provides a strong platform for effectively handling any crisis at the Group level. The plan:
The Group-level plan is supported at the regional level by Regional Crisis Management Plans which mirror the Group document but are tailored for each region. In addition, detailed emergency response plans have been developed for each asset. These plans are designed to be used by first responders and asset managers.
CLP’s Crisis Management & Emergency Response Structure is outlined in the diagram below.
As specified in both Group and regional publications, emergency response drills are conducted at least annually at all Group sites, with smaller scale drills taking place more often. Group and Regional Crisis Management Plans are reviewed at least every three years. Regional crisis management exercises are conducted annually as part of the internal peer review process.
From a crisis management perspective, the emphasis of the Company has been on maintaining and enhancing capability. Initiatives continued in the year include:
CLP has strengthened safeguards, increased contingency measures and enhanced monitoring to ensure its electricity supply systems remain as safe and reliable as possible before, during and after extreme weather events.
In Hong Kong, more than 30% of CLP Power’s transmission network comprises overhead lines, which are more susceptible to adverse weather, lightning strikes and external interferences such as fallen trees that could affect power supply reliability. CLP Power has stepped up inspections of the power supply equipment in the network ahead of the typhoon season, using helicopters and drones to examine transmission towers and overhead cables and pruning trees that may potentially interfere with overhead lines. Floodgates have been installed at substations which are at risk of flooding during severe weather and emergency drills have been conducted to ensure staff’s readiness to respond swiftly and effectively to typhoon and storm impacts.
Extreme weather events could also result in voltage dips and even power interruptions, causing inconvenience to customers. CLP Power’s System Control Centre closely monitors grid operations throughout typhoons and storms, while emergency teams and additional personnel are dispatched promptly to restore power to affected customers wherever necessary.
CLP Power’s 24-hour Customer Service Hotline service has been bolstered to enhance responsiveness during extreme weather events. CLP Power also maintains close coordination with relevant government departments and communities across its supply area during typhoons or power incidents to facilitate timely responses and coordinate power restoration efforts.
Tailored to different geographies, asset types and locations, CLP has also implemented a range of measures in the Group’s value chain to strengthen its resilience to climate change. Examples of the Group's climate-related adaptation measures are summarised in the table on the next page.
Relevant part of the value chain | Climate-related adaptation measures |
Supply chain | Diversify fuel supply. For instance, Hong Kong’s offshore liquefied natural gas terminal would assist CLP Power in diversifying the natural gas supply. |
Generation | To address extreme heat and increased temperature:
To address water shortage and drought for thermal plants:
To address flooding:
To address changing weather patterns:
To address tropical storms:
Transmission and distribution | To address extreme heat and increased temperature:
To address flooding:
To address tropical storms:
Retail |
Condition monitoring and service recovery |