
Case studies


A new cultural hub to promote heritage, culture and green education

CLP Pulse is housed in the Grade 1-listed CLP clock tower building built in 1940. Formerly CLP’s Head Office, the building has been transformed into a museum that showcases the intertwined histories of Hong Kong’s electricity development and the Kadoorie Family. It also promotes decarbonisation and sustainable development through experiential activities.

May 2023 saw the opening of CLP Pulse, a new museum featuring themed exhibitions on the history of the electricity industry in Hong Kong, its pivotal role in shaping the city’s development and the influence of the Kadoorie family on the modernisation of Hong Kong as well as the intangible cultural heritage of Hong Kong. The exhibitions promote heritage, culture and environmental education.

CLP Pulse is housed in CLP’s iconic 80-year-old clock tower building on Argyle Street, which once served as the headquarters for CLP Power. Listed as a Grade 1 historic building by the Antiquities and Monuments Office in 2018, it is one of Hong Kong’s few remaining examples of international modernist architecture. Entry to the museum is free of charge and complimentary guided tours and experiential activities are available.

From its opening in May up to the end of the year, CLP Pulse welcomed over 46,000 visitors. The museum also provides a permanent headquarters for the Hong Kong Heritage Project, which gives access to a rich and storied archive that encourages and facilitates scholarship in local history.

Picture1CLP Pulse, a unique cultural hub housed in CLP’s renovated clock tower building, promotes heritage, culture and green education for the benefit of the Hong Kong community.
community_cultural hubThe themed exhibition “ElectriCity” at CLP Pulse offers an extraordinary experience for visitors, enabling them to feel the impact of climate change and explore ways of navigating the journey to a zero-carbon future.
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