
Case studies


Summer delights at CLP Pulse promote arts and culture alongside green living

CLP Pulse staged a month-long summer programme of arts and green living activities called ‘Discover the Summer Delights at CLP Pulse'. It included activities that enabled the community and tourists to learn the unique stories behind the historic CLP clock tower building and the Kowloon neighbourhoods around it.

For the event, CLP Pulse teamed up with local historians and artists to organise a wide range of activities, including a heritage talk on the histories of Kowloon Tong and Ho Man Tin, workshops on subjects ranging from miniature art techniques to upcycling and sustainability tips and a harp performance. Many of these activities and workshops gave participants the opportunity to unleash their creativity and explore the concept of decarbonisation for a sustainable future. During the summer holiday period, the programmes attracted over 8,300 visitors to CLP Pulse.

02_yarnbombing decoThe handrails at the main entrance of CLP Pulse were decorated with 'yarn-bombing', making the site a colourful photo spot for visitors.
Group activity_LRThe summer programme featured workshops that gave participants the opportunity to unleash their creativity and explore the concept of decarbonisation.
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