
Case studies


A partnership with Morwell Neighbourhood House that is tackling food insecurity in the Latrobe Valley

Morwell Neighbourhood House has been a partner in EnergyAustralia’s Workplace Giving programme since 2021. Employees donations are matched by the business and go towards funding ‘The People’s Kitchen’, an initiative that engages businesses and volunteers from the local community in producing healthy pre-cooked meals for people facing food insecurity.

EnergyAustralia was a founding partner of this programme. Today, the volunteering sessions are booked out months in advance. Each session produces around 150 meals for the Morwell Neighbourhood House Foodbank, accessible by the community.

Tracie Lund, manager of Morwell Neighbourhood House, said that the rising cost of living had seen a significant increase in people needing their assistance. “The need is growing each year. This year we have seen 700 more people than in 2023,” she said.

Food security is a significant concern for the region. According to Foodbank Victoria, 21 percent of parents in the region rely on low-cost, unhealthy foods to avoid food insecurity, compared with 13 percent of Victorians. People living in regional areas are also 33 percent more likely to face food insecurity than their metropolitan-based counterparts.

In the three years of the partnership, EnergyAustralia has donated over A$80,000 to The People's Kitchen through workplace-giving donations and 117 volunteers from across the business have helped prepare almost 3,000 meals. These efforts in collaboration with volunteers from other businesses and community groups have seen The People’s Kitchen distribute over 14,000 meals since 2021.

Partnering with Morwell Neighbourhood House_LREnergyAustralia volunteers enjoying their work at The People’s Kitchen.
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