
Case studies


Strengthening the energy management capabilities of Creative Property

CLP Power has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Creative Property Consultants Limited (Creative Property) to improve the energy management capabilities of its property management team, and enhance the industry’s resilience in the face of extreme weather conditions.

The newly signed MoU will deepen the partnership between CLP Power and Creative Property in order to address climate change and encourage a low-carbon lifestyle for residents. CLP Power will assist Creative Property in raising its property management practitioners’ awareness of power quality, and will arrange for engineering teams to conduct site visits to housing estates and test electrical equipment. CLP Power will also provide professional advice, technical support and recommendations on the installation of post-voltage-dip operation devices for equipment sensitive to voltage dips such as lifts, to help minimise the impact of voltage dips on residents.

Creative Property currently serves more than 120,000 public housing properties, Home Ownership Scheme flats and private residential units in CLP Power’s supply area, more than 90% of which are connected to smart meters. To promote digitisation, CLP Power will also collaborate with Creative Property to encourage residents to switch to eBills, mobile payment services and mobile apps, and embrace low-carbon lifestyle. CLP Power and Creative Property will also pool their respective strengths to develop various community activities and support services to enhance residents’ knowledge of energy saving, decarbonisation and home electricity safety and to support people in need.

CLP and Creative Property MoU signing 2024CLP Power and Creative Property sign a MoU to enhance Creative Property’s resilience against extreme weather conditions and to promote energy saving, decarbonisation, digitisation, and community support, drawing on their combined strengths to combat climate change.
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