Director - Human Resources (China and Group Operations) Ms. Cynthia Lam attended the awarding ceremony and shared the strategies, systems and practices of CLP China's Health and Wellbeing Programme. She emphasised the CLP core value “Cares for People“ as the backbone for the programme design and acknowledged the strong support from CLP China management that drove the meaningful and measurable health and wellbeing outcomes for the workforce.
CLP China has run the Health and Wellbeing programme since May 2020. Through this programme, CLP China has have provided Employee Assistance Services to approximately 700 employees in Mainland China and their immediate family members. It has included a 24/7 hotline for consultation, a monthly newsletter and a bi-monthly on-line workshop covering physical, mental, social and financial aspects, the 4 pillars of the CLP health and wellbeing framework. Each workshop features engagement with a member of the China Executive Committee (CEC), demonstrating support for the programme and encouraging employees to lead healthy lifestyles.
Another major health and wellbeing initiative was the establishment of the China Digital Health Platform through the Codoon App in 2021. Through this digital platform, CLP China regularly organise individual and cross-team physical activities and competitions to encourage fitness, healthy eating habits and quality sleep. Codoon is a very popular digital platform among China employees providing healthy tips and connecting data, people and technology for engaging and rewarding individual health journeys. The employee participation rate is above 60%.
The Wellness Employer award not only recognises outstanding efforts and teamwork, but also encourages knowledge and experience sharing with other companies. It motivates CLP to continuously innovate and improve its programme, with the aim of building positive and healthy organisational relationships and attracting and retaining talent.