
Case studies


Connecting the elderly with society

CLP Power has launched a series of social events and digital lessons in Hong Kong to help elderly people stay socially connected.

To bridge the digital divide and empower the elderly, CLP Power launched “Sharing the Festive Joy – Fun4Infinity” in the year. This programme teaches the elderly how to use commonly used mobile applications through digital device classes, provides them with practical opportunities to apply digital skills in their daily lives and offers guided tours around local neighbourhoods. CLP Power collaborated with 4 NGO partners to organise more than 50 digital classes with practical activities for over 600 elderly people.

To celebrate the Tuen Ng Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Senior Citizens Day with the elderly, CLP Power organised visits to the Xiqu Centre and the Hong Kong Palace Museum to explore Chinese culture. Volunteers helped the elderly visitors to apply their newly acquired digital knowledge during the visit, for instance by using QR codes to order desserts and by playing online energy-saving games. Over 300 CLP volunteers took part in the digital classes and practical activities, sharing their love and care with the elderly in their digital journeys.

The Sharing for Festive JoyThe Sharing the Festive Joy – Fun4Infinity programme empowers the elderly with digital technology, offering practical opportunities to bridge the digital divide.

CLP Power has four Hotmeal Canteens in Sham Shui Po, Kwun Tong and Kwai Tsing districts, which provide nutritious hot meals to people in need and offer a place for them to meet, socialise and connect with the community. In 2023, the CLP Hotmeal Canteen programme served its one millionth hot meal to the community and a celebration lunch was held in April to mark this milestone. CLP volunteers visit the Canteens regularly to help serve meals and organise thematic activities such as games and art workshops. These activities promote physical and mental health while demonstrating care to people in need.

CLP Hotmeal CanteensThe CLP Hotmeal Canteens have served up more than one million meals, at the same time providing a place for people to socialise and connect with the community.

The ‘Be Dementia Friendly’ programme was launched in the year, designed to help elderly people exhibiting early signs of dementia by providing interactive services that can delay cognitive decline. CLP organised five workshops during the year. In December, a trial run of the 'Be Your Peer Community Power Journey' led by trained retirees was organised for elderly participants in the 'Be Dementia Friendly' programme to interact with CLP volunteers and the community. 

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