
Case studies


Engaging stakeholders on Hong Kong’s offshore wind future

CLP Power is considering the development of Hong Kong’s first offshore wind farm, further reducing the carbon intensity of CLP's electricity generation.

Stakeholder engagement is important for major projects to help CLP solicit stakeholder support and understand their concerns.

For the potential Hong Kong Offshore Wind Farm (HKOWF) infrastructure project, CLP sought to inform the Hong Kong public on the potential and feasibility of developing offshore wind energy through a variety of engagement activities. Coverage of the project and technological advancements in wind power appeared in local dailies and online news portals. Educational animations with information on the project were released on social media platforms.

As part of the project’s environmental permit requirements, CLP Power formed a stakeholder liaison group of concerned parties, including representatives from environmental groups, academics, fisheries, NGOs and local communities, who convene on a regular basis to exchange opinions on different aspects of the project.

CLP Power has been exploring the HKOWF project since 2009. Recent technological advances have increased the project’s viability. If approved by government, construction is expected to commence in the middle of this decade.

Visit the HKOWF project website
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