
Case studies


Providing opportunities for young people and nurturing future generations

In the face of the challenges encountered by fresh graduates and career starters, CLP Power is dedicated to addressing the working needs of local youth and providing support in collaboration with various partners to boost opportunities for youngsters.

In collaboration with the Correctional Services Department, CLP Power is helping young people in custody and those who have been released with their reintegration into society by organising career talks, interview skills workshops, caring visits, induction courses and special internships. Approximately 130 young inmates have benefited from the programme, gaining information on continuing their studies and exploring pathways in engineering.

CLP Power supported the government’s Strive and Rise Programme 2022/23 by nominating 16 mentors, including graduate trainees, young engineers and representatives from various business units. These mentors participated in a one-year mentorship programme, with 6 of the mentors pairing with underprivileged junior form students on a one-on-one basis. They accompanied the students in a wide range of activities, including 25 visits to CLP facilities such as the CLP E-Playground, CLP Learning Institute and Low Carbon Energy Education Centre, providing them with valuable life and study advice. CLP is continuing to support the Strive and Rise Programme 2023/24 by nominating 11 mentors to join the one-year mentorship programme.

CLP Power supported the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups for the CLP Energy for Brighter Tomorrows Award, providing scholarships for 20 young people with outstanding achievements in battling against adversity. Nine CLP Power colleagues acted as mentors for the students. Since its launch, a total of 100 students have been awarded scholarships. 

In addition, the CLP Power Academy collaborated with education institutions in Hong Kong and overseas including the Vocational Training Council (VTC), Scotland’s University of Strathclyde and Australia’s RMIT University to offer a range of electrical and mechanical engineering courses for students from different educational backgrounds. More than 2,100 students have benefitted from the courses offered by the academy since it was founded in 2017, highlighting the academy’s role in nurturing young people and working adults, providing a career pathway for people without conventional academic qualifications and widening the engineering talent pool.

The CLP Power Academy launched a pioneering training course in 2022 for Hong Kong engineering personnel to gain high-voltage electrical qualifications in Mainland China in a joint initiative with the Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College and the VTC. The first cohort graduated in June 2023 and a new training course for low-voltage electrical work was launched in April 2023.

CLP Power is committed to promoting a low-carbon and energy-saving lifestyle through innovative tools and public education programmes. Its Power Kid Mobile application has been updated with a 3D interface, offering new games and expanded sections promoting messages of energy efficiency and low-carbon living to children. The updated application was launched at the annual Hong Kong Book Fair, which attracted over 35,000 visitors to the CLP booth across its seven days. The newly revamped application has been downloaded more than 11,000 times since its launch. In addition, a new 3D cartoon video featuring sustainable living habits was launched in 2023. CLP's graduate trainees and young engineers continued to visit local kindergartens to talk about the power generation journey, the safe use of electricity, the work life of engineers and to offer energy-saving tips. Approximately 50,000 children in over 600 kindergartens have been reached so far.

CLP’s commitment to nurturing future generations extends to primary schools, with 17 primary schools having been accredited as Green Elites campuses under the CLP Green Elites Campus Accreditation Programme. This brings to almost 120 accredited schools under the programme, recognised for their efforts in promoting energy saving, renewable energy and environmental protection on campus.  

Since its launch in 2016, the “Engineer in School Programme” has motivated secondary school students to save energy and explore careers in power engineering. CLP engineers have engaged with more than 63,000 students from 170 schools through school talks and workshops, which have included STEM workshops and visits to CLP’s E-Playground. The first “Triathlon” Cup summer camp was organised in July, where around 60 secondary students got to unlock their creativity and be inspired to pursue power engineering.

In 2023, the CLP Community Energy Saving Fund (CESF) allocated HK$0.75 million to the CLP Award for VPET students, providing a subsidy of HK$10,000 to each eligible student and benefiting a total of 75 Year 2 students in the 2022/23 cohort. One of the awardees was offered a summer internship in August to learn about the power industry. The award not only provides training opportunities to these students in the energy sector, but it also helps nurture a new generation of talent for Hong Kong's power engineering industry.

nurturing next generationCareer talks, interview skills workshops, caring visits, induction courses and special internships were offered to help young people in custody and those who have been released to reintegrate into society.
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