In Hong Kong, Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) plays a vital role in broadening the learning opportunities of school leavers and in-service personnel. In collaboration with the Vocational Training Council (VTC), in 2020 CLP Power launched the CLP Award for VPET Students. The award assists VPET-enrolled students with financial needs to allow them to continue their studies. The VPET programmes offer higher diploma training in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, computer and electronic engineering and environmental protection and management.
On a yearly basis, the CLP Community Energy Saving Fund (CESF) will allocate HK$1.5 million to the award, providing a subsidy of HK$20,000 to each eligible student and benefitting a total of 75 students in each cohort. Awardees also have opportunities to join CLP’s seminars and the summer internship programme to gain a deeper understanding of careers in electricity, engineering and environment. The award not only provides training opportunities to these students in the energy sector, but also helps nurture a new generation of talent for Hong Kong's power engineering industry.
In 2021, CLP Power extended its Graduate Internship Programme to a second year, offering internships to recent university graduates for a 12-month period. The programme covers a wide range of projects suitable for university graduates from different disciplines, such as business, engineering, environmental affairs and information technology. In 2021, 56 graduate interns joined CLP in Hong Kong to gain work experience.
In Mainland China, CLP's youth initiatives included: