
Case studies


Recognition of CLP Power’s efforts to nurture engineering talent

CLP Power places great emphasis on people development and skills transfer and is committed to nurturing talent to meet the needs of the energy industry in Hong Kong.

Recognition of CLP Power’s efforts to nurture engineering talentSimulated training with enhanced practical experience is made available to trainees.

Evolving from CLP’s first corporate training school established more than half a century ago, the CLP Power Learning Institute (CLPPLI) was established in Hong Kong with a mandate to develop engineering talent at all levels, from skilled technicians to experienced qualified engineers. CLPPLI’s Technician Trainee Programme supports young people to develop technical skills in construction, operation and maintenance of the power generation and supply network, as well as whole-person development to equip them to succeed in a rapidly changing industry. Technologies such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality are applied to enhance practical skills training, together with job rotation.

In 2020, CLPPLI’s efforts were recognised externally by the Hong Kong Management Association, including awards for "Best in Career Development" and "Excellence in Technician Trainee Career Development". Two of the Institute’s trainers also won Outstanding New Trainer Awards. In addition, two employees won prestigious apprenticeship awards: the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Outstanding Apprentice Award and the Vocational Training Council’s Outstanding Apprentice Award. One of the awardees is CLP Power’s first female apprentice.

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