Includes the Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio, transmission and distribution, retail and other business activities where relevant, covering GHG emissions from Scope 1, 2 and 3.
Scope 1 CO2e
Includes the Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio, transmission and distribution infrastructure, coal mines and fuel storage facilities that are:
Owned by CLP, where assets are included on an equity basis (i.e. accounts for the data according to CLP’s equity share in the asset); and
In operation during the reporting year.
Scope 2 CO2e
Includes the Group’s generation and energy storage portfolio, transmission and distribution infrastructure, coal mines, fuel storage facilities and offices that are:
Owned or rented by CLP, where assets and offices are included on an equity basis (i.e. accounts for the data according to CLP’s equity share in the asset); and
In operation during the reporting year.
Scope 3 CO2e
Includes indirect emissions (not included in Scope 2) that occur in the value chain of CLP. It includes emissions from the Scope 3 categories relevant to CLP (see GHG Accounting Methodology for details).