
Together for Sustainability,

Powering Tomorrow

Our 2024 Sustainability Report focuses on topics that have a material impact on people, the environment and the economy. View our reporting suite for more information.

2024 Performance Highlights

How we’re addressing climate change

Climate change is one of the most important matters affecting the energy sector. CLP’s Climate Vision 2050 sets out the blueprint for the Group’s transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions up to mid-century.

Chairman & CEO's message

“The global transition to a net-zero future offers unparalleled potential for innovation and growth. CLP is resolute in our dedication to seizing these opportunities, ensuring that our investments produce long-term value for stakeholders.”

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Our Purpose

CLP’s commitment to building a sustainable business remains the bedrock of our purpose to Power Brighter Tomorrows. CLP leverages new and emerging technologies to aid the progressive decarbonisation of our portfolio, empower our customers to make better energy choices, enhance the performance of our operations, and evolve and grow our business during the ongoing energy transition. We have also taken steps to increase transparency in the way we report our business, providing stakeholders with greater insight into our strategies and objectives.

ESG Data Hub

CLP publishes its ESG data through an online ESG Data Hub, which features interactive charts designed for an optimal user experience. This year, for the first time, the data is also available in a dedicated ESG Databook. The ESG Databook offers stakeholders a detailed quantitative summary of the Group’s 2024 non-financial performance, while also allowing for in-depth analysis through access to individual data points.


CLP’s new head office relocation to Kai Tak showcases sustainable building features to its customers

On 10 December 2024, CLP reached a new milestone in its history with the opening of its new head office in Kai Tak. The state-of-the-art building, custom-built for CLP, symbolises the firm's unwavering confidence in Hong Kong's future and its commitment to fostering sustainable practices.

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